ATTN: Frustrated Christian Non-Fiction Writers

Has God called you to write

your trauma to triumph story...

But getting started feels SO OVERWHELMING...

maybe because...

  • You don't have the time to write...
    (and you don't think you can squeeze one more thing into your life)

  • You don't have the time to write...
    (and you don't see how you can squeeze one more thing into your life)

  • You know you need someone to keep you moving forward....
    (because breaking commitments to yourself is just too easy...)

"Writing my first book was a horrible experience. Christopher's process makes me want to write another book."

--Jesse Ray Castro

Whether You...

  • Tried and failed to write your book in the past...

  • Sick of feeling like you will never finish your book...

  • Just don't know how to find the time to write given all the other demands on your time...

  • Don't know what to write... or what to write next...

  • Have a full-time job...

  • Have a family...

  • Don't understand WHY writing your story is so important to you...

  • Lack clarity about the story you're led to share...

No matter what is holding you back from writing your book, it can be conquered with a detailed Roadmap for Success.

It all starts with the decision – your decision to abandon fear and embrace courage.

Meet Christopher di Armani, Your Writing Mentor

I love writing. And I love helping you get the words out of your head and onto the page.

Does this sound familiar?

I started to write a book... dozens of books... but I never completed a single first draft for over 15 years.

I got so sick of never finishing a single book that I finally did the one thing I refused to do throughout those 15 long years.

I created an outline for a book. Yes, I started another book, even though all my experience said I would fail this time too.

But, with the help of that outline and all of the things I teach you in this 3-day live event, I finally wrote, finished and PUBLISHED my very first book.

All by using the system I share with you inside this course.

After writing and publishing 50 books, and teaching other writers how to duplicate my success...

I can't wait to walk you through the entire process so you can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Writing Success so you can finish your book and make the impact you know you were born to make.

What Other Say About The Di Armani Method

Without Christopher, The Shower Genius would not exist. I had all the content in my head, but it wasn't organized.

Christopher helped me organize it and give it structure - my 12-part framework.

And something I never thought of before, he helped me understand what I needed to research - something I'd never thought of before.

Deana Brown Mitchell

Author, "The Shower Genius"

Christopher is AWESOME! He gave me the accountability, wisdom and support I needed to birth my book babies into the world.

He asks insightful questions to bring out better content, and I found his coaching and support to be encouraging, positive and action-oriented.


Jendayi Harris

Author, "The Chubby Church"

Christopher really broadened my horizons about my project and I couldn't be more grateful.

If you don't have any idea how to launch your book, if you lack self-discipline and need some help to get your book written and published, Christopher is your guy!


Dani Ferarra

Author, "Collateral Effect of Success"

Your written and published book


in ways you can't even imagine on this side of "PUBLISH"


Wherever you are in your creative process, he pulls out exactly the right tool from his coaching toolbox to address your unique situation.

Without his help and guidance, I would never have completed a single book...

let alone two Amazon bestsellers.

provides the accountability, encouragement and step-by-step instructions you need to design and create your complete, detailed Roadmap for Writing Success

And Includes:

  • NN video training sessions so you know exactly what to do, every step of the way

  • Your personal Writing Success Manual so you can document every piece of your personal writing puzzle

  • Essential Mindset Shifts that help guarantee your success

  • Writing Tips from the Book of Esther

  • PLUS: AI Tips & Tricks to leverage AI as your research assistant so your book meets the needs of your ideal reader

All so you can heed God's call...

and make the impact you know you were born to make.

Here's What You Get When You Enroll Today


Your First Draft Deadline

You will know exactly how many days it will take to write your first draft, based on your writing skills, your life and your existing time commitments.


Your Complete Detailed Outline for Your Book

You'll never say, "I don't know what to write!" again. Your book's detailed outline slays "writers block" because it answers the question, no matter when you ask it, "What do I write next?"


Your Personalized Writing Schedule

I love anything that makes my finished book inevitable, don't you? And that's exactly what your writing routine, designed with the specifics of your commitments in mind, allows you to do: write every day so you can finish and publish your book.


Your Writing Success Mindset

What you've done until now hasn't worked. It's probably why you're here at this event - to figure out what went so horribly wrong so you can correct your course and finally finish your book. You'll know what those negative thoughts are that sabotage you, and you'll know exactly how you will replace those crippling thoughts with new ideas that empower, inspire and encourage you on your writing journey. AND you'll have a plan to deal with any new thoughts that pop up that don't serve you, too.


How to Enroll Your Family in Your Vision

If your family and friends haven't supported you in the past, it may mean you have some challenging but necessary conversations ahead. You want your family, your friends and the people you care about most to support you every step of your journey down Publication Highway, and you'll have a whole toolbox to pull from when you need it.


Your Complete, Detailed Roadmap for Writing Success

Wise travelers know exactly how to get from where they are today to where they want to go tomorrow, next week, and next month. They use a map to plan their journey.

Wise writers do the same using their complete, detailed Roadmap for Writing Success and, with this roadmap in hand, you now possess the answers to every question that may arise on your journey down Publication Highway.

Still Have Questions?

How do I know if this is right for me?

If you feel compelled to write your book, even though you don't understand WHY it's so important, this program is for you.

The Di Armani Method is designed to give you the tools, training and belief in yourself that is required to write your book.

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Why is it so affordable to attend?

Should I increase the price to reflect the true value of this course?

Sure, I could do that, but I'm not comfortable with putting a big financial roadblock for you to gain the knowledge and skills required so you can heed God's calling for your life.

That’s why this course is so affordable.

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I have more questions...

Call Me Directly at 604-334-2536.

If you're sent to voicemail, please leave me your first name, phone number, time zone and best time to call you back.

Book a 15-minute Zoom Call.

I welcome the opportunity to can answer all of your your questions "face-to-face". Go to WritingMentor.Pro/Connect to schedule a time for us to talk.

Use the website's Contact Form.

Send me your question(s) and I'll respond via email.

Use the Chat Widget

At the bottom right of your screen there is a chat widget. Just click/tap on that and ask your question via email or text.

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