Finding it hard to write your book?

Your personal journey created a story that only you can tell...

Yet telling it... getting the words out of your head and onto the page...

That's the real challenge you face.

Click the "Get Started" button below and let me share my proven system for writing success - The Di Armani Method - so you can, no matter how busy your life feels, complete your book this year.

Yes, you can turn your dream of writing a book into your published reality!

Your Roadmap to Writing Success

How I Can Help You Write and Publish Your Book


Your 5-Day Roadmap

to Writing Success Mini-Course


Christian Writer UNSTUCK

3-Day (90-Minute) Challenge


Christian Writer UNSTUCK

3-Day Workshop

Why I Do What I Do

Christopher di Armani, Writing Mentor

I started to write a book... dozens of books... but I never completed a single first draft for over 15 years.

Sound familiar?

FINALLY, I got so sick of never finishing a single book that I did the one thing I refused to do in those 15 long years of darkness. I created an outline for a book. Yes, I started another book, even though all my experience said I would fail this time too.

But, with the help of that outline and all of the things I teach you in my courses and mentorship programs, I finally wrote, finished and PUBLISHED my very first book.

After writing and publishing 50 books, and teaching other writers how to duplicate my success... I can't wait to help you turn your dream of writing a book into your published reality.

You can do this. I can help.

What Others Say About My Mentoring

Will Your Testimonial Be Next?

Without Christopher, The Shower Genius would not exist. I had all the content in my head, but it wasn't organized. Christopher helped me organize it and give it structure and get it done.

And something I never thought of before, Christopher helped me understand what I needed to research to make my book resonate with my readers.

Deana Brown Mitchell

Christopher is AWESOME! He gave me the accountability, wisdom and support I needed to birth my book babies into the world.

He asks insightful questions to bring out better content, and I found his coaching and support to be encouraging, positive and action-oriented.

Jendayi Harris

Christopher really broadened my horizons about my project and I couldn't be more grateful.

If you lack self-discipline and need some help to get your book written and published, Christopher is your guy!

Dani Ferarra

Wherever you are in your creative process, he pulls out exactly the right tool from his coaching toolbox to address your unique situation.

Without his help and guidance, I would never have completed a single book... let alone TWO Amazon Bestsellers.

Nicolas Johnson

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